We are ‘Andrew’s’

One of the two who heard John speak and followed Jesus was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, "We have found the Messiah" (which means Christ)....

Was it truly finished?

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that we have been bought with a price only payable by God himself. No added approval from man is needed.

Chris Martin Writes

My favorite quote of all time comes from Jesus as He was hanging on the Cross. “It is finished.”

He didn’t choose an easy way to conquer sin and death. He spent nine months inside of Mary, just as all of us spent that same amount of time hanging out inside our own mother’s womb. He endured a normal human birth, just as we all did. He dealt with the same things we did as children. He learned how to work, play, and live a human life.

We’re talking about God’s Son. The Creator of, well, everything. A King with a royal lineage. I truly believe at any moment, Jesus could have said “Okay, Dad. Let’s skip past all of this birth, childhood, and learning how to be a carpenter stuff, and get straight to my ministry. The people need their Savior. Let’s just make this quick and get it…

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Salvation Love

  "I'm ready to help you and save you from destruction BUT first, I need your word that you're a changed person. I have to be able to ascertain you won't go back to who you were or where I've saved you from"   This is the way of man- nothing goes for nothing. Help,... Continue Reading →

Happy Mother’s Day!!!!!

MOTHER DAY GREETINGS from Dr. Myles Munroe The first family of humanity was born when Adam accepted the woman God created from his side as his wife. Adam named her “EVE” which simply means “LIVE GIVER”. This designation was the celebration of the FIRST MOTHER’S DAY” and described the essence of a true MOTHER….”Life-Giver”. It... Continue Reading →

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